Our Design
Healthy Design
Healthy building criteria include natural, VOC free materials and finishes, and possibly wiring for electromagnetic radiation mitigation
High levels of sound mitigation both from exterior noise and between residential units
Designed to be accessible with entry ramps, an elevator and some accessible units​
Reduced Energy Use
Passive House and Net Zero design standards involving increased thermal insulation, air-to-air heat pumps for heating and air conditioning, energy recovery ventilators for fresh air, and triple glazed windows
Designed to provide summer shade and winter solar gain
Roof top photovoltaic panels with emergency power backup
LED and low voltage lighting
Natural ventilation with operable windows
Individual unit controls
Energy efficient appliances
Water conservation
Water saving toilets and faucets
Rainwater harvesting
Enhanced storm water management
Interior storage area for municipal solid waste bins and waste sorting
Composting on site
Look How Far We've Come
Our Professionals
Aboud and Associates, Environmental Consultant
Burnside, Engineers
Chris Miles Kailing - OAA, SAA, MRAIC, AIA, NCARB, M. ARCH, Cohousing Consultant for GrassRoutes, Group2
Chung and Vander Doelen - Engineering
Dale Holland - Lawyer for GrassRoutes
GM Blueplan - Engineering
Invizij - Architects
J. David McAuley - Architect (ret), B Arch, BES
Jennifer Barrett - Urban Planner, Cohousing Consultant for GrassRoutes
Nancy Shoemaker - Urban Planner
Rod Lambert - Cohousing Mentor